Taking control of Plantar Fascia pain!

If you read my last Blog you would already know that I managed to tear my Plantar Fascia during the Western Sydney 1/2 Ironman in November last year. I have also in the past had trouble with the opposite foot with Plantar Fascitis. So for me Plantar heal pain has been a chronic problem on and off for the last 3 years or so. I have tried all manner of treatments with varying success. The most effective to date of treating the inflammation and pain has been Quanta Resonant Frequency Therapy. This treatment helped me heal my Fascial tear quickly and it has also helped greatly dealing with the opposite foot plantar fascitis and keeping inflammation under control.

Where I let myself down though was by not looking further in to fixing the problem for good. By fixing the problem for good. I mean strengthening the tissue and the supporting tissue around it. Well after the Plantar Fascia tear I started to look more seriously in to how to stop this from coming back and also to try and see if I could actually help my running at the same time.

I went online as we all do these days to search out you-tube video clips, searched many different rehab websites and didn’t really find out anything new other than standard advice going around. I ended up finding out some really good information on a podcast call Restoring Human Movement. It is hosted by a Canadian Chiropractor and he was interviewing Dr Tom Michaud a foot and ankle expert in the States and also a specialist in dealing with runners.

So what did I find out from the podcast? Dr Michaud quoted peer review studies by a couple of researchers and stated the following.

  • The amount of pronation in the foot had no correlation to heal pain.

  • Foot orthotics were not very effective in managing plantar heal pain

  • The main contributing factors of Plantar heal pain were: Ankle Dorsi Flexion ( calf flexibility), Level of strength of the toe flexors ( Flexor digitorum brevis and longus and Flexor Halucis longus and brevis) and Peroneus Longus strength.

So I have embarked on a corrective exercise regime that so far has been extremely effective.

Here is the link to the video I made showing the exercises.


From around 30 years of age, you start losing between 0.5 and 1% of your muscle mass each year. At 50 that accelerates greatly and nearly 50% of your muscle fibres disappearing between the ages of 50 and 82. With reduced muscle mass brings reduced strength, which in turn greatly effects run speed and for the elderly the risk of falling.

Dr Michaud also stated that strengthening exercises for the toes should be done with the toes in the extended position yielded much better strength gains over having the toes curl over or even be int he mid contracted position.

So with all this new information I started doing my foot exercises and all I can say is wow. I am as of this blog 5 days I am already noticing that my walking gait is changing and I can feel the big toe engaging with the ground better and in the runs that I have done I have felt a little more spring in my toe off. But for me the biggest deal is that after only 5 days I woke up this morning and didn’t have that ache running through the feet that Plantar Fascitis sufferers all know about. I will continue to use my Quanta Therapy Patches to keep inflammation low and also to help keep my weakened muscles activated and I will monitor my progress over the coming weeks but so far it looks promising.

So until next time remember.

Exercise is a privilege. Not a punishment .

Mick Rand

Posted on February 1, 2019 .