32 Weeks. Rehab can go Screw itself!!! Just this week though.

Well fuck me if that doesn’t just suck. It appears I am carrying so many dysfunctions in my beaten down battered old body that as I rehab out of an injury starting to feel ok. I bring up a new one. Doing the exercise I love doing. Lightweight and with ever improving form. Single leg dead lift with a 10 kg kettle bell. 2nd set in and feeling strong. No problems. Not one and got to the 6th rep and bang, I felt a sharp sensation in my lower back. I put the Kettle Bell down and knew I’d strained my back.

I had a physio appointment already for later that morning to continue the hamstring work so I only had a matter of an hour or two to wait to get it seen. But me being me I started to treat it myself first.

Between myself and the physio the best we can figure is that because I am using muscles in a new way and getting a few new ones to fire there are levels of fatigue in the lower back on different aspect than normal and this is likely the outcome.

Part of what has become apparent is that I have no internal rotation in my hips during running. This means that my leg won’t rotate inwards on landing which means that I can’t pronate my foot correctly which then means my I don’t get the rebound affect from the fascial tissue and Achilles tendon. So part of my compensation for this on the right leg is landing heavily on the outside of the foot and turning of the lateral glutes so my running is basically a game of criss cross across the midline of the body sending my body constantly out of balance and not allowing me any real drive forward in my run action.

I am choosing to look at this new setback as the unravelling of my dysfunction and my body is sort of uncurling from it and there will be a few hiccups along the way.

Not ideal. But hey What else was I going to be doing right now any way. So for the rest of this week all my rehab routines are on hold while I am working on getting myself first out of this back pain I am in and then start switching on the back muscles properly and then hopefully by early next week I will be back on the running rehab band wagon again.

I am still going to be doing the bike leg of Noosa Tri at this stage. Only because funnily enough the only real position that doesn’t hurt my back is on the bike.

I did a 3 hour ride this morning on the trainer watching a movie on Netflix and had zero pain while riding. I haven’t managed to go for a swim as yet but I am going to attempt that tomorrow.

Anyway. Have a great rest of your week and wish me luck on breaking this up quickly and getting back to Plan B.


Posted on October 28, 2021 .